Thursday, April 29, 2010

Effect on the World or Other People

For my fellow African Americans, I worked very hard for freedom. Back when I lived, in the late 1800's, blacks were very poorly treated and harshly discriminated against. To me, this was very unfair and wrong. I did everything I could to prevent discrimination. Leading and speaking to people was my duty. I had to fight and teach throughout the U.S. and other countries so my people could one day gain equality. One way I spread my message was by writing newspaper articles. I wrote in a newspaper called Free Speech and expressed all of my beliefs there. I wrote encouraging words saying that if you worked hard and saved money, your life would be better. However, I also wrote angry words about dishonest people who were too scared to fight for change.

Another effect I had on the world was on lynching African Americans. During my time, blacks would get accused of crimes and executed without fair trial. When they were killed for these "crimes," whites would line up and watch them. The whites would cheer and even take their kids out of school to watch these poor colored men and women be killed. Believing against this strongly, I fought hard against it and spread my messages around the world. People listened to me and backed me up, including people from England. I made trips there and even inspired The London Anti-Lynching Committee to be formed. Terrible tales of lynching were told by me as I toured through England.

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